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Ao olhar suas fotografias de infância, em quantas fotos você aparece com seus avós? Muitas? Poucas? Pois Sujata Setia, uma fotógrafa indiana especializada em ensaios de família, percebeu que em seus álbuns não havia a presença dos avós. Quando se deu conta de que não tinha recordações com eles, decidiu que o mesmo não aconteceria a outras crianças. Por isso, ela colocou como meta de trabalho fazer em suas viagens pelo menos uma foto que retratasse o carinho entre netos e avós.


Em uma publicação sua no site Bored Panda ela contou que encontrou diversas fotos suas quando criança com seus pais, irmãos, cachorros e até com os gatos de rua que adotaram certa vez. Mas com os avós, Sujata não tem imagens para lembrar. “E eles eram as duas pessoas que eu mais amava. E ainda os amo, mesmo depois de já terem partido”, disse ela.

E a experiência que tem tido até agora, tem sido gratificante para a fotógrafa. “O projeto me ajudou a reconstruir memórias da minha infância de alguma maneira”, comentou. “Conhecer e interagir com idosos realmente nos ensina muito sobre a vida”. O resultado do trabalho de Sujata pode ser visto em sua página no Instagram e também em seu site.


Confira algumas das fotos de avós com seus netos:


Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

When I was a little girl and my parents were trying to teach me how to write my name, I remember always writing “Sugata” instead of “Sujata”. My parents tried correcting me several times but my Grand father would always say “YOU ARE RIGHT.” In a letter he wrote to me before he passed away (my father handed it over to me when I turned 18) my grandpa wrote “the whole world is waiting out there to judge you and tell you that you are wrong. But don’t forget that Grandpa will always think that YOU ARE RIGHT.” It is this unconditional faith my grandpa had in me and my abilities that has made me the person I am today. His arms were my safe zone. The place I would goto when I wanted to feel healed, inspired and loved… truly, unconditionally, without being judged on scorecards of rights and wrongs. And so this year I have resolved to be that same comfort zone for my daughter. I have promised her a space where she can be silly! Without being told that she’s wrong, for we all need a place in the world where all we are ever told is that “YOU ARE RIGHT!” Happy New year my dear friends… may this year you find that one person who becomes your emotional oasis. . . . . . . #clickinmoms #candidchildhood #childhoodunplugged #momazine #letthembelittle #momswithcameras #nothingisordinary #mom_hub #momtogs #exploretocreate #thebloomforum #bicfp #watchthisinstagood #click_vision #beyondthewanderlust #featurememozi #infinity_children #huffpostgram #clickmagazine #lookslikefilm #thelifestylecollective #unitedinmotherhood #wildandbravelittles #iamnikon #natgeoyourshot #official_photography_hub #dearphotographer #cpcfeature #instagram_kids

Uma publicação compartilhada por Sujata Setia (@butnaturalphotography) em

Visualizar esta foto no Instagram.

I’ve loved photographing grandparents with their grandchildren just so much this year… it feels like I’ll never ever stop doing that now. Such wonderful people I’ve met along my journey… so much I’ve gained from their wisdom. Granddad – David and Little Marney here in this image are totally crazily in love with each other and their interaction was just hilarious. I’m going to post a behind the scene video from this shoot for you guys on my ig stories to watch. After the shoot got over, grandad David dropped me to my home in his car (ya I still don’t drive 😔). While we were chatting I asked him how he so easily became a kid with his grandchildren. “I’m such an impatient person. I’m always asking Aayat to grow up. I mean she’d literally sometimes start giggling or doing crazy kiddish stuff in a Mall with loads of people around hoping that I will join in with her, and I’m like totally begging her to behave like grown ups. I just can’t wait for her to grow up. Honestly!!!,” I said to him with so much passion and parental angst. He chuckled in his adorable Dumbledore-ish way and said very matter-of-factly “oh but what’s better? Them growing older or us becoming younger?” . Crazy how all our life we are trying to look younger than what we actually are. With products we use, with food we eat… with our regime and actions… we are always projecting a younger version of ourself and yet when our kids ask of us to rekindle the child in us, we run for cover. So here I go then. I promise I’m going to let Aayat find the child in me and let it go wild without inhibitions and without a worry in the world. For tonight I’m going to be a child with my child!!! . . . . . . . #documentyourdays_motherhood #dearphotographer #domagfaves #follow_this_light #cameramama #momentsinthesun #mymagicalmoments #ourcandidlife #pocket_sweetness #the_sweet_life_unscripted #shared_joy #letthemexplore #mh_challenge_212 #the_sugar_jar #dearestviewfinder #lifewellcaptured #getin52 #cpcfeature #mothersday #jj_forum_1901 #moc_040 #ct_mif

Uma publicação compartilhada por Sujata Setia (@butnaturalphotography) em



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